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美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(7)

时间:2014-10-18 08:31 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

增强活力 increase vitality
美化皮肤 and beautify the skin
在这样拥挤的地方 In such a crowded land
用很少的消耗遍吃百物的传统 a tradition of eating everything with very little waste
可能被看做值得称赞的节俭 could be seen as commendable thrift
问题是中国南方有这么多人 The problem is that there are so many people
在食用野生动物 eating wild food in south China
非法食物供应链 that the illegal supply chain
一直延伸并超越了国界 stretches well beyond its borders
使得野生动物消失 contributing to the disappearance of wildlife
不仅在中国境内 not only within China
而且也包括其他国家 but from other countries too
拜访一家中药店 A visit to a traditional Chinese medicine shop
会发现动植物另一方面的作用 reveals another aspect of the use of animals and plants
宋医生行医20多年了 Dr. Song has been practicing for over 20 years
他最重要的诊断方法是 The most important part of his diagnosis is the pulse
在不同部位号脉 examined in several places
宋医生也观察舌头和眼睛的颜色 Dr. also observes the color of the tongue and eyes
并询问病人的味觉 and asks questions about the patient's taste
嗅觉甚至是梦 smell and even dreams
一旦确诊 Once satisfied with his diagnosis
他就用大夫独特的笔迹 he'll write a prescription
开出药方 using a script unique to doctors
中国传统医学 Chinese traditional medicine
uses an incredible array of animals, vegetables and minerals
区别对待不同病人而不是疾病 to treat the inpidual rather than the illness
旨在恢复体内两种不同力量的平衡 aiming to restore the harmony of opposing
使其均衡互补 but complementary forces
中国称之为“阴阳” known in China as "yin and yang"
中国人相信天地万物是和谐的 The concept is rooted in the ancient belief
这种观念根深蒂固 that the universe is harmonious
人们也相信自己与环境紧密联系着 and that the people are intimately connected to
并被环境所影响 and affected by their environment
尽管表面上看起来 药物的成分由奇形怪状的生物所组成
Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of the ingredients
但是几千年来 Chinese traditional medicine
中国传统医学 has been successfully treating people
成功诊治了无数人 for thousands of years
尽管中国已经取缔 But although the use of endangered wildlife ingredients
使用濒危野生动植物入药 in medicine is now banned in China
一些动植物现在仍然被非法使用 some wild animals and plants are still used illegally
大自然再一次承受了损失 once again, nature bears the cost
但是中国传统在其他方面上也有借鉴 But Chinese tradition has borrowed from nature
比如那些丝毫未被开发利用的领域 in other ways which are not in the least exploitative
在中国古代哲学里 In ancient Chinese philosophy
男人被认为是自然世界的一部分 man was considered part of the natural world
受益于自然界的智慧 and able to benefit from its wisdom
  本文标题:美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(7)
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