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美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)

时间:2014-10-18 08:31 来源:未知 作者:地理教师 责任编辑:地理教师

深山中隐藏着 Deep within the mountains
偏僻幽寂的山谷与森林 is a maze of remote valleys and forests
这里是那些神奇生命的乐土 home to strange and wonderful creatures
这些金丝猴 These are Golden Snub-nosed Monkeys
是中国的特色物种 a species unique to China
他们通常“但闻其声不见其影” Seldom seen, they are frequently heard
那独特的婴啼般的叫声和出众的外表Their strange child-like calls and extraordinary appearance
成就了当地人有关 may have inspired the local tales
深山雪人的传说 of yeti-like wild man of the mountain
冬天气温降至-10°C As winter temperatures drop to -10°C
他们浓密的毛发起到了保暖的作用 their dense fur keeps them warm
互相修理毛发不仅有助于保持 Mutual grooming not only keeps that precious fur
宝贵毛发的良好状态 in good condition
同时有助于增进成员间的关系 but also helps to reinforce bonds within the troop
在夏天,猴子成群活动 In summer, the monkeys go around in huge bands
但是在每年的艰苦时期 but at this lean time of the year
它们分裂成了更小的队伍搜寻食物 they split up into smaller foraging parties
隆冬时期 In the dead of winter
猴子们被迫在石头中搜寻食物 the monkeys are forced to rummage around the rocks
只能找到很少的地衣和苔藓 for a few meager morsels of lichen and moss
随着猴子居住地方周围的世界 As the world surrounding their mountain home
充满城镇和农田的时候 has filled up with towns and croplands
西藏扁鼻猴的居住地 the snub-nosed monkeys' habitat
发生了显著的变化 has changed dramatically
现在,只剩下一万只猴子了 Today, there are just 10 000 left in existence
对于住在秦岭的人来说 To the people who live in the Qinling mountain
森林和野生动物是能被利用的资源 the forest and its wildlife are a resource to be used
这些资源是人们生活的保障 the basis of their livelihood
那些人和更神秘的居民 These people share the forest
分享森林资源 with an even more illusive inhabitant
它们可能是中国最著名的动物 It's probably China's most famous animal
但是很少人看到过它们 but very few have ever seen it
与猴子不同的是 Unlike the monkeys
这种生物有很独特的食性 this cerature has a very specific diet
竹子 bamboo
这是野生大熊满 It's a wild Giant Panda
由于对声音敏感 Secret and sensitive to noise
大熊猫经常离开 the giant panda is often gone
以免有任何东西靠近它 before anyone going get close to it
中国人认识熊猫已经很久了 The panda has long been known in China
两千多年前的字典上边就提到过熊猫It was mentioned in dictionaries more than 2000 years ago
据说御花园还曾经养过熊猫 and the imperial garden is said to have housed one
在茂密的竹林里 In the dense bamboo of the forest
熊猫很少见到同类 one panda rarely sees another
所以,它们通过特殊的气味联系 Instead, they communicate by subtle scent signals
熊猫身长1.5米,体重135千克 At 1.5m long and 135 kilos, the giant panda
  本文标题:美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)
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